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Fitness Friday!


Woohoo we have made it to yet another Fitness Friday post!

I guess I’ll do a quick run through of how my Gym sessions have gone, talk a little bit about food and then the weigh in!

Sunday 01/05 – Jack and I went to the gym for 2 hours and we really focused on arms.  This was my first proper arms work out and believe you me – it hurt!  Definitely worth it thought and I’ve decided that arm workouts are my favourite.

Tuesday 03/05 – Kirsty and I went to the gym for about an hour and a half and focused on arms and abs.  Kirsty already has a very strong core so this session was pretty tough for me as a beginner!

Wednesday 04/05 – Another gym session with Jack and we did a full body work out!  Started with legs, did some arms and then shoulders.  To finish I did minimal ab work but ab work none-the-less!  However on Wednesday I had a consultation with a lady called Isla and she is a Personal Trainer.  I spoke to her about my goals and medical issues and set up my first session.

Friday 06/05 – Today was the day that I had my first PT Session and my word it was tough! Isla truly pushed me.  We did a full body work out I would say but more focus on arms.  I started off on the ‘Stairs’ – The machine that is simply stairs that you continually walk up.  I did this for 5 minutes on speed 10 to warm up.  We then did 8 intervals of 30:30 on the rowing machine.  Once the warm up was complete we headed through to the mirrored room for weight.  I did a series of SuperSets – more than one exercise back to back. I started by doing jumping squats with weighted lunges, the next set was a weighted shoulder press and push ups, the third set was a little different.  There was 3 excercises this time and I had to do 20 seconds of each so I did weight sit ups with a shoulder press, leg lifts and cross leg lift and repeated this 3 times.  In the final set I had to hold a weight and lean to one side mixed with mountain climbers.  I finished my session with a 5 minute cool down on the treadmill.  I was great having someone there to really push you and I felt like I would be confident to do that on my own.

What I wore to the gym today:

My entire outfit was purchased from Sports Direct!  As you can see I still have a lot of work to do but I’m feeling much more confident about my body👙


I still haven’t got my butt in gear with a food plan which has resulted in one too many food binges of rubbish!  However, I am being much better at work.  Working at McDonalds means that you get free food on your break and grabbing a Big Mac is awfully tempting but instead I’ve been having porridge for my breakfast breaks and a Grilled Chilli Chicken Salad Wrap which is so tasty!

Once exams are over and I stop the stress eating I will definitely get a proper food plan on the go and that will definitely help to shed the pounds!

The Weigh In

This week I haven’t lost anything but that was not much of a surprise to me due to my diet! Jack on the other hand has lost an incredible 2lbs since last Friday!  His amazing hard work is definitely starting to pay off!  Jack is so dedicated to making himself happy and although he still hasn’t got his diet sorted out he is doing much better and also really pushing himself at the gym so a huge well done to him!  He is now sitting at 16 stone – not far to go until he hits 14.6 which was his first goal weight!

My Readers

Are you currently getting yourself into shape? Whether you have just started or been on your journey for a while I want to know how you are getting on!  Comment below what you are doing to get fit and your fav healthy recipes!




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