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Okay Okay I know this is a little late but hey, better late than never right??

I have been loving reading posts on peoples goals for the month because I find it really motivating and also gives me an incentive to do and be better! So maybe by sharing my goals you will get some inspiration from me.. or maybe not but anyway lets get into my top 5 goals for the month of November.

[I would like to point out that there is no specific order to my goals!]

  1. Lose 5 lbs.  This is a big one for me! If you read my blog from the very beginning then you will know I used to do regular ‘Fitness Friday’ posts.  These have crashed and burned a long with my gym membership!  I really want to get back into my personal training sessions very soon however, I just need to get the gym bug back!  Since stopping the gym I have gained a little bit of weight that I am incredibly unhappy with and it truly wrecks my confidence! I’m hoping that with good food and a routine I will lose more than 5 lbs but I will be happy to reach it.
  2. Make a budget!  In the past year I feel like I have been very good with my spending habits, waiting a week or so before actually purchasing so I know I definitely want something rather than buying on impulse and my bank account has thanked me for it!  I am getting to that stage in my life where I want to save up for a mortgage and a house and I think I could do it relatively easily considering I only work part time.  I want to make a simple spreadsheet of what is going in and out of my account and what I am spending money on!
  3. Home cooked meals.  Working in the fast food industry makes it all too easy and tempting to just grab a burger and fizzy drink but this really needs to stop.  Not only is it part of my weight gain but it’s just not good for my bodies health in general!  I love to cook I just get lazy and choose the easy option out.  I plan to scout the internet and find some quick and easy meals that are in my skill range!  I am hoping this will help with both my weight loss and budget plans – see I can be smart.
  4. Learn how to use my camera properly.  I absolutely love my camera and photography but I’m afraid I am guilty of using my creative auto setting a lot.  There is a lot of my photos that are done using full manual but that is usually when my boyfriend is there to help me work it all out.  I don’t know whether I would try and find a photography class/club or just go out with my boyfriend more.  Either way I will learn my camera!
  5. Super clear out.  I have way to much of everything!  Whether it be clothes, shoes, candles, photo-frames, you name it and I probably have too much of it!  I want to set up maybe an Ebay account or something similar where I can sell off items that are no use to me anymore.  I do often donate my clothing to charity but I have a lot of other household items that are still in boxes that I just do not need!  By the end of this month I would like to have gotten rid of everything that I don’t use so that I can start deciding how to redecorate in my room!

So there we have it – my top 5 goals for the month of November!  Has this inspired you to create your own list?  If so let me know in the comments what they are or if you create your own post tag me in it so that I can have a good read!


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