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Liebster Award Round 3


Good morning!

I’ve been nominated for my THIRD Liebster Award. Can’t even express how grateful I am! Huge thank you to the lovely Bervin for nominating me to do this!  Click on her name and it will take you straight over to her Liebster Award post x

The Rules:

My 11 Facts:

I recently did the One Lovely Blog Award which was facts about myself so I’m going to try and not repeat those facts again!

  1. I’m a student! I recently just passed my HND at NESCOL with a B in Administration and Information Technology and so I have been accepted into 3rd year of Management at RGU! (Super nervous but excited too)
  2. I am obsessed with pugs.  Just cant help it – everything must be pug related!
  3. I work part time as a Shift Manager at my local McDonald’s.  In September I will have worked there for 4 years.
  4. I love a good floral print!  Tshirts, Shirts, Dresses – you name an item and i’ll have it with a floral!
  5. I have an intense fear of birds or anything that flaps erratically.
  6. I don’t have many friends however I am a firm believer in QUALITY over quantity and I love my friends dearly.
  7. My favourite place to eat is YoSushi and I spend waaay too much money when I’m there.
  8. Blogging has made me a more confident person.
  9. I am ALWAYS on my phone! Either texting, blogging, watching YouTube or scrolling social media.
  10. I love to sing (not that I am very good) and was in a competition choir until I was 14.  I also cried doing a solo once…awfully embarrassing!
  11. I own over 70 lipsticks.. oops!

The Questions I was Asked:

  1. Marilyn Monroe or Audrey Hepburn? Audrey Hepburn – them brows though!!
  2. Are you a sweet or sour type of person? Definitely sweet! 
  3. Have you ever kept a diary or tried to? I used to have multiple diaries for different things!
  4. Favourite quote? Without struggle there is no success – I actually want this as a tattoo across my thigh.
  5. Where is your ‘happy place’? My happy place would be sitting outside on the grass listening to music.  I don’t have a specific place but yeah! 
  6. What are your favourite pizza toppings? Chicken, Sweetcorn and Mushroom or BBQ Chicken.
  7. One beauty item you cannot live without? LIPSTICK
  8. A beauty item you would not reccomend? This could be a really controversial answer but ‘Mac Mineralize Foundation’.  I hate this foundation so much, it just goes patchy! 
  9. Biggest Pet Peeve? This is a difficult one because of my job there is a lot of things that annoy but other people (excluding McDonald’s employees) wouldn’t understand so I guess I’ll go with when people chew with their mouth open..
  10. Food you hate the most? Peas 
  11. What is your biggest goal in life? To run my own business and to travel the world. 

I Nominate:






My Questions to the Nominees:

  1. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
  2. Would you share the last picture you took on your phone?
  3. What makes you truly happy?
  4. Favourite beauty item?
  5. What is your least favourite word?
  6. What is your spirit animal?
  7. Cat or Dog person?
  8. Why did you start your blog?
  9. What is your favourite post? (include link)
  10. Guilty pleasure?
  11. Describe yourself in three words?


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